How to Allow Software to Communicate Through Windows Firewall

How to Allow Software to Communicate Through Windows Firewall

Problem (Issue) Statement:How to allow software to communicate through Windows Firewall
Description:A guide to configure Windows Firewall settings to allow software to communicate through Windows Firewall.
Related Software:All xPortal software
Related Hardware:NIL
System Application:NIL
Symptom and Finding:NIL
Cause:For first time guide to configure settings to allow software from being blocked by Windows Firewall.


  • To configure Windows Firewall to allow software through Windows Firewall.


Step-by-step Guide:

  • To configure Windows Firewall to allow software through Windows Firewall:

Step 1: Go to Control Panel > System and Security. Click Allow an app through Windows Firewall.
System and Security Window
Figure 1: System and Security Window

Step 2: The Allowed Apps window will then be shown. Click Change settings to make changes or add new apps to the displayed allowed list. Then, click Allow another app... to add a new app to the allowed list.
Allowed Apps Window
Figure 2: Allowed Apps Window

Step 3: At the Add an app window, click Browse... and select the xPortal software that you want to allow the access through Windows Firewall.
Add An App Window
Figure 3: Add An App Window

Step 4: The Choose Network Types window will then be shown. Select the network type to allow the app access, whether on private networks, public networks, or both. Click OK to save the changes.
Choose Network Types Window
Figure 4: Choose Network Types Window

Step 5: The selected xPortal software will now be able to communicate through the Windows Firewall to establish connection with the hardware controllers.

Common Issues:NIL
Porting Date:29/11/2018 (Rev 1.0)





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