Unable to Open xPortal3000 after Fresh Installation

Unable to Open xPortal3000 after Fresh Installation

Problem (Issue) Statement:

Unable to open xPortal3000 after fresh installation


After completing fresh installation of xPortal3000 software, upon re-starting the server PC and re-opening the software, an 'Unhandled Exception' error message is prompted.

Related Software:

Related Hardware:


System Application:


Symptom and Finding:

After clicking xPortal3000 Server and starting Services, the following error message was prompted from the software with the detail of 'Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700E1'
Unhandled Exception Error Message

Figure 1: Unhandled Exception Error Message


Antivirus software treats the xPortal3000 software as threat and prevents the xPortal3000 software from running normally.



  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.




  • Method 1: To update xPortal3000 software to v3.0.0.30 and above

  • Method 2: To add xPortal3000 software into antivirus software exception list before running xPortal3000 software so that the antivirus will not block the functionalities of xPortal3000 software

To Solve the Unhandled Exception:

Users can choose EITHER one of the method to solve the Unhandled Exception issue that is caused by antivirus false positive detection.

Step-by-step Guide:

  • Method 1: To update xPortal3000 software to v3.0.0.30 and above:


  • Method 2: To add xPortal3000 software into antivirus software exception list before running xPortal3000 software so that the antivirus will not block the functionalities of xPortal3000 software:

Step1: Before re-installing xPortal3000 software, STOP the antivirus software.

Step2: After completing installation of xPortal3000 software, STOP xPortal3000 Server and Services.

Step 3: Open antivirus software to configure exception handling to include xPortal3000 software file paths in the exception list. The antivirus will exclude xPortal3000 software from scanning or executing shield protection activities which may block certain functionalities of xPortal3000 software.

Configure Exceptions at Antivirus Software
Figure 2: To configure exceptions at Antivirus software.

Date Documentation:

23/3/2018 (Rev 1.0)





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