Problem (Issue) Statement:How to initialize a fresh database for xPortal2007 software

This article will guide users on how to initialize a fresh database for xPortal2007 software.

Related Software:xPortal2007
Related Hardware:NIL
System Application:NIL
Symptom and Finding:NIL
Cause:For first time guide on how to initialize a fresh database for xPortal2007 software.

  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.



  • Pre-requisite installations:

Step 1: Please ensure that users have installed Firebird database in the Server PC.

Users may refer to How to install the Firebird Database v2.5 for the complete guide on installing Firebird database.



Step 2: Please ensure that users have installed the xPortal2007 software in the Server PC.

Users may refer to How to Install xPortal2007 Software for the complete guide on installing xPortal2007.




  • To initialize a fresh database for xPortal2007 software:

Step 1: Right-click on xPortal2007 Server and select Open to run the software application.
Opening xPortal2007 Server Application
Figure 1: Opening xPortal2007 Server Application


Step 2: The initializing progress bar will be shown. Wait until the initialization process to complete.
Initializing Progress Bar
Figure 2: Initializing Progress Bar


Step 3: The Server Connection window will then be shown. Click OK to continue, leaving the settings in default.
Server Connection Window
Figure 3: Server Connection Window


Step 4: The xPortal2007 Comm Server window will be shown. Click Initialize Database to continue. Users are advised to keep the settings in this window as default as well.
Initializing Database in xPortal2007 Comm Server Window
Figure 4: Initializing Database in xPortal2007 Comm Server Window


Step 5: Once the database has been successfully initialized, the following message window will be prompted by the software.
Database Created Successfully Window
Figure 5: Database Created Successfully! Window


Step 6: Users can now proceed to login into xPortal2007 Server and Client applications.

Common Issues:


Porting Date:22/4/2019


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Containing the label "xportal2007"

