Problem (Issue) Statement:

How to configure xPortalNet software to allow user to access door during weekend only


Users can configure the door to be accessed on weekday, weekend and holiday day. This can be done by configuring the Time Zone and Door Accessibility Setup. Then, the Door Access Code can be assigned to the staff profile accordingly.

Related Software:


Related Hardware:


System Application:

Door Access System

Symptom and Finding:





  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.




  • To Set the Time Zone Access on Weekend.

Step-by-step Guide: 

  • To Set the Time Zone Access on Weekend:

In these steps, user will be guided to set the time zone on weekend.

Step 1: Run the xPortalNet Client.

Step 2: Go to Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Time Zone.
Add New Time Zone on Weekend
Figure 1: Add New Time Zone on Weekend.

Step 3: At Time Set field for Saturday and Sunday, please select the Time Set accordingly. Leave the rest of the days to default value 000 (No Access). 

For the steps to create Time Set, see the following article: How to Configure Time Set Settings in xPortalNet Software

Step 4: Click OK to confirm and save the changes.
Record Added Message is shown
Figure 2: Record Added Message is shown.

Step 5: Please assign the newly created time zone to the preferred door in Door Accessibility Setup.

For the steps to assign Time Zone into Door Accessibility, see the following article: How to Configure Door Access Level at xPortalNet Software


Step 6: Go to Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Staff Records.


Step 7: Assign the Door Access Code configured in Step 5 to the Staff Profile.

Assign Door Access Code to Staff Profile
Figure 3: Assign Door Access Code to Staff Profile.


Step 8: Click OK to confirm and save the changes.


Step 9: Finished.

Document Date

29/08/2018  (Rev 1.0)


Related Articles.

Containing the label "door-accessibility-schedule"

