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Problem (Issue) Statement:

How to create Floor Zone and Floor Accessibility at xPortalNet Client


A guide to configure Floor Zone and Floor Accessibility at xPortalNet Client.

Related Software:

  • xPortalNet v1.5.0.122

Related Hardware:

SNETv2 v3.48, MK800E v1.47, E32R & HID R10 Reader

System Application:

Lift Masking Access System

Symptom and Finding:



For first time configuration on the xPortalNet Software to setup Floor Zone and Floor Accessibility for lift access control.


  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.



titleKnowledge Base Link

Ensure that the Connection, Controller, Door, Lift Panel & Floor Relay are configured at xPortalNet Server. Users can refer to How to Setup Configure Lift Access Control at xPortalNet Server for the complete configuration steps. 




The XP-SNET controller will not send fire alarm signal over to the connected XP-SNET-E32R and/or XP-SNET-E248 extension boards if the configuration settings for the XP-SNET controller is not completed.

Complete the configuration settings for XP-SNET controller in order for XP-SNET-E32R and/or XP-SNET-E248 to respond accordingly to fire alarm signals.

Configure Time Set P

To Configure Time Set:

Step 1: Go to xPortalNet Client > Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Time Set > Add.
Add Time Set Window .
Figure 1: Add Time Set Window


Time Set determines the time interval (dictated by 3 timestamp intervals) in a day which the user can access the lift.

Step 2: Fill up the Time Set information accordingly.

Step 3: Click OK to save the changes.

  • Configure_Time_Zone_P



    To Configure Time Zone:

Step 1: Go to xPortalNet Client > Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Time Zone > Add.
Time Zone Setting Window
Figure 2: Time Zone Setting Window.


Specify the pre-configured Time Sets to allow the card holder to access the selected floors at the respective timestamps as dictated by the Time Set. Users can select a different Time Set for different day of the week, including holidays.

Step 2: Fill up the Time Zone information accordingly.

Step 3: Click OK to save the changes.

  • Configure_Floor_Zone_P



    To Configure Floor Zone:

Step 1: Go to xPortalNet Client > Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Floor Zone > Add.
Add Floor Zone Window
Figure 3: Add Floor Zone Window

Step 2: Fill up the information accordingly. Examples of floor zone setups are shown in screenshots that follow:
Floor Zone 3 Configuration Example
Figure 4: Example of Floor Zone 3 - This setting indicates that the assigned user of Floor Zone 3 can only access from 1F of Block A to 1F of Block A (only 1 accessible floor).

Floor Zone 4 Configuration Example
Figure 5: Example of Floor Zone 4 - This setting indicates that the assigned user of Floor Zone 4 can only access from 1F of Block A to 2F of Block A (2 accessible floors)

Step 3: Figure 4 and Figure 5 above represent two different ways of configuring the Zone Setting section of the Edit Floor Zone window. Figure 4 (Floor Zone 3) specifies that the user can only have access to one single floor while the method specified in Figure 5 (Floor Zone 4) allows users to configure multiple floors using the same 1 field (Zone #1).

Step 4: Suppose a maintenance personnel requires access to all 10 floors in a building, users can use the configuration method as shown in Figure 5, where the 'From' field will be ground floor or first floor of the building; and the 'To' field will the the 10th floor of the building. Once the Floor Accessibility containing the Floor Zone is assigned to the maintenance personnel's card, the personnel will have access to all 10 floors of the building.

Step 5: Click OK to save the changes.

  • Configure Floor Accessibility P


    Configure Floor Accessibility P

    To Configure Floor Accessibility:

Step 1: Go to xPortalNet Client > Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Floor Accessibility > Add.
Add Floor Accessibility Window
Figure 6: Add Floor Accessibility Window

Step 2: Fill up the information accordingly.

Step 3: Click OK to save the changes.

  • Assign Floor Accessibility P


    Assign Floor Accessibility P

    To assign a New Staff with the Configured Floor Accessibility:

Step 1: Go to xPortalNet Client > Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Staff Record and click Get Now!
Add Staff Detail Window
Figure 7: Add Staff Detail Window

Step 2: Fill up the information accordingly.

Step 3: After all the necessary fields has been entered, go to Floor Access Code and click 000-No Access box to assign a Floor Access Code to the Staff. The Select Floor Access window will be shown as per figure 9.
To Assign Floor Access Code
Figure 8: Red pointer indicating the button to be clicked

Select Floor Access Window
Figure 9: Select Floor Access Window

Step 4: After selecting the Floor Accessibility, users are required to also assign a Door Access Level for the new staff. 2 options are provided to assign Door Access Code as below:

  • Click Door Accessibility tab, check the Use Predefined Setting checkbox and click 0000-No Access button to select Free Access or other Door Access Code in the list.
    Assigning Door Access Level - Option 1
    Figure 10: Red pointer indicating the button to be clicked

  • Users can also click Press to Select.. button at Door Access Code, and selecting either Free Access or other Door Access Code on List.
    Assigning Door Access Level - Option 2 

Step 5: Click OK to save the changes.

Step 6: Flash card to the reader to check and verify that the configured floor is accessible.


6/4/2018 (Rev 1.0)




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