Problem (Issue) Statement:

How to Configure the Detected IP Address for xPortal3000 Server PC in xPortal3000 Software


This article will guide users to configure the detected IP Address for xPortal3000 Server PC in xPortal3000 software.

Related Software:

  • xPortalNet

Related Hardware:


System Application:


Symptom and Finding:



For first time guide to configure the detected IP Address for xPortal3000 Server PC in xPortal3000 software.


  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.




  • To configure the detected IP Address for xPortal3000 Server PC in xPortal3000 software.

Step-by-step Guide:

  • To configure the detected IP Address for xPortal3000 Server PC in xPortal3000 software:

Step 1: Ensure that the xPortal3000 Server PC is set as fixed IP Address.

Users may refer to How to Configure the Software Server PC as Fixed IP Address for the complete steps on how to set fixed IP address for xPortalNet Server PC.


Step 2: Launch the xPortal3000 Server Configuration Manager but do not start the Service. If the Service is started, please click Stop to stop the Service.

Figure 1: xPortal3000 Server Configuration Manager Window


Step 3: Once the xPortal3000 Service is stopped, click on Software Settings tab.
Click on the Software Settings Tab
Figure 2: Click on the Software Settings Tab


Step 4: The Software Settings tab will be shown. Click Edit to change the configuration settings.
Click Edit
Figure 3: Click Edit


Step 5: At the Device Comm. IP Address field, select the IP Address configured in How to Configure the Software Server PC as Fixed IP Address. Click Save to save the changes.
Configure the IP Address and Click Save
Figure 4: Configure the IP Address and Click Save


Step 6: Restart the xPortal3000 Service for the changes to take effect.

Common Issue


Date Documentation:

27/3/2020 (Rev 1.0)


Related Articles.

Containing the label "ip-address"

