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How to request and activate SGate Server product license key

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A guide to request and activate SGate Server product license key.

The SGate Server software bundled with SGate Services can be used to manage communication between MicroEngine Access Control System and other 3rd party systems.

Related Software:

  • SGate Server Manager
    SCI-SGateSvr: SGate Server v1.0.0.1 or higher
  • Supported SGate Services
    SCI-LIDSVC: SGate LID Service v1.0.0.1 or higher
    SCI-CFRSVC: SGate CCTV Facial Recognition Interfacing Service v1.0.0.1 or higher

Related Hardware:


System Application:

  • SGate Security Gateway Platform Server

Symptom and Finding:



For first time guide to activate SGate Server and SGate Services product license



This article is only applicable to SGate Server software installation that requires activation key to activate the software product license.




  • To Request for Product Activation Key 

  • To Load the Activation Key for Product Activation


Step-by-step Guide:

  • To Request for Product Activation Key:

In this section, user will be guided to register the SGate Server software that will be locked to the PC machine. The information of the PC machine will be captured automatically. User may need to register the product again if changing to a different PC machine.

Step 1: Run SGate Server.


Step 2: In the left pane, click About. The following window will be shown. Click the Click here to send activation request link.
About Window
Figure 1: About Window



Please make sure to install all purchased SGate Services before generating activation request key.



Step 3: The Activation Request window will be shown. Fill in the company name and company email address. Click Generate Request Key to generate the registration request key.
Activation Request Window
Figure 2: Activation Request Window


Step 4: The activation request text will be generated by the software. Click Copy to copy the text to clipboard and email the activation request text to your supplier to request for product license activation.
Generated Activation Request Text
Figure 3: Generated Activation Request Text


Step 5: You will receive a new product activation key according to your purchased SGate Services from your supplier to activate your software product.



  • To Load the Activation Key for Product Activation:

In this section, user will be guided to load the product activation key which contains the information of user's PC machine and allows the software product to be activated.

Step 1: Copy the activation key sent by your supplier.


Step 2: Run SGate Server.


Step 3: In the left pane, click About. The following window will be shown. Click the Activate Product link.
About Window
Figure 4: About Window


Step 4: The Product Activation window will then be shown. Paste the activation key obtained from your supplier into the text box. Click Activate to activate the software product.
Product Activation Window
Figure 5: Product Activation Window


Step 5: Once the software has been activated successfully, the following message will be shown. Click OK to close the window.
Product Activated Successfully Message
Figure 6: Product Activated Successfully Message


Step 6: Back at the Product Activation window, the user's registration information will be shown at the section of activation key status. Click Back to verify product activation status.
Product Activation Window Showing the Updated Activation Key Status
Figure 7: Product Activation Window Showing the Updated Activation Key Status


Step 7: The About window will then be shown again. Notice that the windows will show that the product is activated.
About Window Showing that the Product is Activated
Figure 8: About Window Showing that the Product is Activated


Step 8: Users can now proceed to configure SGate Server based on installed and activated SGate Service.

Document Date:

27/02/2020 (Rev 1.0)




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