Problem (Issue) Statement:How to add controller, connection, and door settings in xPortal3000 software using New Controller Wizard

The New Controller Wizard is a tool created to guide users step-by-step to add a new controller, connection, and door settings in the xPortal3000 software.

Related Software:
  • xPortal3000
Related Hardware:NIL
System Application:NIL
Symptom and Finding:NIL
Cause:For first time guide on how to add controller, connection, and door settings in xPortal3000 software using New Controller Wizard.

  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.



Step 1: Launch the xPortal3000 Server Configuration Manager. Ensure that the xPortal3000 Service State is indicated as "Running". Click Start if the Service State is "Stopped".
xPortal3000 Server Configuration Manager Showing Service State as Running
Figure 1: xPortal3000 Server Configuration Manager Showing Service State as Running


Step 2: Launch the xPortal3000 Client and login to the Client. The xPortal3000 Client home window will be shown. Click Startup Wizard.
xPortal3000 Client Home Window 
Figure 2: xPortal3000 Client Home Window


Step 3: The xPortal3000 Startup Wizard will then be shown. Click Hardware to continue.
xPortal3000 Startup Wizard Window
Figure 3: xPortal3000 Startup Wizard Window


Step 4: At the following window, click New Controller Wizard icon to launch the New Controller Wizard.
New Controller Wizard Icon
Figure 4: New Controller Wizard Icon



  • To add controller, connection, and door settings using New Controller Wizard:

Step 1: Having successfully launched the New Controller Wizard, the Controller Wizard window will be shown. Click Next to continue with the configuration process.
Controller Wizard Window
Figure 5: Controller Wizard Window


Step 2: At the Controller Settings window, fill in the information accordingly. Click Next to continue.
Controller Settings Window in Controller Wizard
Figure 6: Controller Settings Window


Step 3: The Controller Wizard will then prompt the Connection Settings window. Users can either choose to use an existing connection pre-configured earlier, or configure a new connection for this particular controller. Click Next to continue after filling up the information accordingly.
Connection Settings Window in Controller Wizard
Figure 7: Connection Settings Window


Step 4: The Door Settings window will be shown. Fill up the information accordingly. Alternatively, users can choose to ignore this section and tick the Skip this step. I will setup it later checkbox to setup the door settings later. Click Next to continue.
Door Settings Window in Controller Wizard
Figure 8: Door Settings Window


Step 5: Next, at the Door Access Assignment window, users can assign the door accessibility for this door to be tied with the respective staff records. Alternatively, users can also choose to ignore this section and tick the Skip this step. I will setup it later checkbox to setup the Door Access Assignment later after users have added the staff records in the database. Click Next to continue.
Door Access Assignment Window in Controller Wizard
Figure 9: Door Access Assignment Window 


Step 6: The Alarm Panel and Input/Output Settings window will then be shown. Users are advised to tick the Skip this step. I will setup it later checkbox and click Next to continue.

Figure 10: Alarm Panel and Input/Output Panel Window


Step 7: The Summary window will be shown. Click Back if users wished to make any changes to the configuration settings, or click Next to continue.
Summary Window in Controller Wizard
Figure 11: Summary Window


Step 8: The software will then prompt the following message window to indicate that the software is refreshing the controller record. Click OK to continue.

Figure 12: Please wait for a moment while refreshing the controller record! Message


Step 9: The software will then send the relevant data to the controller. Please wait for the sending process to complete before clicking OK. At the Delivery Report window, check and ensure that the sending of data is sent correctly and that no error was encountered by the software. Click Close.
Send Data and Command Window
Figure 13: Send Data and Command Window


Delivery Report Window
Figure 14: Delivery Report Window


Step 10: If the following message window is shown, ignore it and click OK to continue. The Controller Wizard window will show the Completing the Controller Setup Wizard window. Click Finish to close the wizard.
No Data to Send Message
Figure 15: No Data to Send Message


Completing the Controller Setup Wizard Window
Figure 16: Completing the Controller Setup Wizard Window

Common Issues:NIL
Porting Date:26/6/2019


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