Problem (Issue) Statement:

How to Check The Report of Inactive Users Within a 2 Months Time Period


By using Dormant Staff Card Report function, it can generate the report of inactive user within a certain time period. 

The report will show the card users whom did not flash card (valid entry / exit) for a period of inactive days that is selected by user as compared with today’s date; the inactive days are calculated based on 'Start Date' if user never flash the card at all.

Related Software:

xPortalNet v1.5.0.96 or higher

Related Hardware:


System Application:

Door Access System

Symptom and Finding:





  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.




  • To Generate the Inactive User Report.

Step-by-step Guide: 

  • To Generate the Inactive User Report:

In these steps, user will be guided to generate the inactive user report.

Step 1: Run xPortalNet Client.

Step 2: Go to Reports > Dormant Staff Card Report.

Step 3: Please select the Inactive Days and Sort Order according to your preferences.

Step 4: In this step, we will select 60 days to retrieve inactive user count for a 2 months period.
Select Dormant Card Options
Figure 1: Select Dormant Card Options. 

Dormant Card Options Field Description
Table 1: Dormant Card Options Field Description.

  • If Custom field is selected, please specify the count of inactive days by entering the number or using the up and down arrow.
  • The maximum number that can be entered is 360.

Step 5: Click OK to view the report. The Days of Inactive count can be seen from the report.
Dormant Staff Card Report
Figure 2: Dormant Staff Card Report.

If the Door Code, Date and Time are blank, it indicates the user is never flash the card at all. Hence, the inactive days are calculated based on 'Start Date' of user profile. 

If this error message is shown, it means no staff is being inactive at the moment.
No Data Found Message
Figure 3: No Data Found Message.

Document Date

23/08/2018  (Rev 1.0)


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Containing the label "xportalnet" containing the phrase "attendance report"

