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How to Configure the Display Option in Event Filters


A guide to configure Display Option in Event Filters. These options are to display / filter / discard event if the transaction match any condition that is defined in Event Filters. 

User will be guided to configure the Display Option in this article. When using this option, the event transaction will be displayed in the Latest Event List when the event is occurred.

Related Software:

xPortalNet v1.5.0.147 or higher

Related Hardware:


System Application:

Door Access System

Symptom and Finding:



For first time guide to configure the Display Option in Event Filters.


  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.




User must configure the Event Filters prior to configuring the Display Option. See article How to Configure Event Filters in xPortalNet Software for the steps.




  • To Configure the Display Option.

Step-by-step Guide:

  • To Configure the Display Option.

Step 1: Login to xPortalNet Server. Go to Server Admin > Event Filters.

Step 2: The following window will be shown. Click Add to add new Event Filters
Event Filters Setup Window
Figure 1:  Event Filters Setup Window.

Step 3: The following window will be shown.
 Add Event Filters Window
Figure 2: Add Event Filters Window.

Step 4: Setup the Event Filters accordingly.

titleDisplay Option Scenario

Step 1: Fill up the following field as shown below:

  • Display Option: Display
  • Log to Database: Yes
  • Activation TimeZone: Always

Add Event Filters WIndow
Figure 3: Add Event Filters WIndow.

Step 2: Add the Event Filters Configuration.  Click Add button.

  • Event Category: Alarm Definition Library 
    1. Alarm Definition Library: Select Alarm Definition
  • Device Type: Controller
  • Device Code: Select Device Code
  • Time Schedule: Always

Event Filters Configuration Window
Figure 4: Event Filters Configuration Window.

Step 3: The Filter List is only enabled for Filtered Option. Click OK to confirm and save the changes.
Filter List Window
Figure 5: Filter List Window.

Step 4: Observe the Latest Event List from the Server software when the configured event is triggered.
Server Transaction List
Figure 6: Server Transaction List. 

Step 5: Observe the Latest Event List from the Client software when the configured event is triggered.
Client Transaction List
Figure 7: Client Transaction List.

Step 6: Check the transaction report. Login to xPortalNet Client. Go to Reports > Event Report > Transaction Reporting
Transaction Reporting
Figure 8: Transaction Reporting.

Step 7: You have successfully configured the Display Option configuration

Explanation: The configured event transaction "(NK) Controller Tamper On" is displayed in the Latest Event List from the Server and Client software when the event is occurred. This is according to the configured Event Filters.



Related article: 

How to Configure the Filtered Option in Event Filters

How to Configure the Discard Option in Event Filters

Document Date

18/07/2018 (Rev 1.0)





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