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Problem (Issue) Statement:How to troubleshoot the issue where xPortalNet software is unable to assign temporary card

This article will guide users on how to troubleshoot the issue where xPortalNet software is unable to assign temporary card.

Related Software:
  • xPortalNet
Related Hardware:NIL
System Application:NIL
Symptom and Finding:

When users wanted to assign a temporary card to Staff Records, the following error message is shown:

Figure 1: No Temporary Card available! Please ask the administrator to create temporary card in 'Card Inventory' Error Message

  • No temporary card is available
  • All temporary card created is in use

  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.




  • To create a new temporary card to be assigned to Staff Records.

  • To assign the temporary card to the Staff Records.


Step-by-step Guide:

  • To create a new temporary card to be assigned to Staff Records:

Step 1: Go to xPortalNet Client > Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Card Records > Add. The Add Card Detail window will be shown. Fill in the Card No and select "Temporary" as the Card Type. Click OK to save the changes.
Add Card Detail Window
Figure 2: Add Card Detail Window



  • To assign the temporary card to the Staff Records:

Step 1: Go to xPortalNet Client > Data Setup > Access Data Setting > Staff Records > select the staff to be assigned with temporary card > Modify. The Edit Staff Record window will be shown. Click Temporary Card tab, select the pre-configured temporary card under Card No field and specify the Start and End Date respectively. Click OK to save the changes.
Temporary Card Tab
Figure 3: Temporary Card Tab


Step 2: The Staff Records will be updated with the information on the temporary card accordingly.
Updated Information in Staff Records Window
Figure 4: Updated Information in Staff Records Window

Common Issues:


Porting Date:24/4/2019




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