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  • To check the configuration for standalone XP-M1000X controller.

Step-by-step Guide:

  • To check the configuration for standalone XP-M1000X controller:

Step 1: Enter Programming Menu for XP-M1000X controller.

Problem (Issue) Statement:

How to troubleshoot the issue where XP-M1000X (Standalone) is unable to read the flashed card and does not respond with any beep sound


When users flashed a valid access card to the standalone XP-M1000X controller, the reader is unable to read or detect the flashed card, and does not respond with any beep sound.

Related Software:


Related Hardware:

  • XP-M1000X

System Application:


Symptom and Finding:

When users flashed a valid access card to the standalone XP-M1000X controller, the reader is unable to read or detect the flashed card, and does not respond with any beep sound.


  • The settings of the standalone XP-M1000X controller is configured incorrectly.



  • Users are not recommended to run any xPortal software in Windows XP operating system as the system is unstable

  • Users are also advised to stop the xPortal Services before shutting down the Server PC to prevent any missing transaction issues.

titleKnowledge Base Link

Users may refer to How to Enter into Programming Menu for XP-M1000x Controller for the complete steps to enter Programming Menu.



Step 2: Press for Sys Menu > 2 for Door Para. The Door Para menu will be shown. Press to proceed to the next menu. Continue pressing until the Reader menu as shown below.
Reader Menu
Figure 1: Reader Menu


Step 3: Press to toggle the settings selection until it is selected as "ABATr2" for MicroEngine controller. 


Step 4: Press to continue to the next menu until the Internal Reader (INT. Rdr) menu is shown as below. Ensure that the INT. Rdr menu is selected as "ON". Press to toggle the settings selection if necessary.
INT. Rdr Menu
Figure 2: INT. Rdr Menu


Step 5: Press until users see the Save Changes screen. Press again to confirm saving the changes.
Save Changes Screen
Figure 3: Save Changes Screen


Step 6: If the issue persists, users can try to flash a different access card to the controller to confirm if the access card is faulty.


Step 7: Alternatively, users can also remove the controller from the casing housing to determine if there are other frequencies that might be interfering with the controller from reading the flashed card.


Step 8: If all the above steps are followed but the problem still persisted, send the controller to MicroEngine office for checking and repair.

Common Issue


Date Documentation:

14/4/2020 (Rev 1.0)




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